Being OK with the Unknown
Being OK with the unknown, or with not knowing, is really beneficial.
Being Present
If we're truly present, we’ll either know intuitively what to do now, or we won’t…yet.
Remaining calm in the unknown (rather than making up scenarios, over analysing and trying to 'fix'), allows a gap to open for us to relax and trust that new ideas and thoughts will come along, as they always do.
For example, if you try to only think of a pink elephant continuously, eventually a new thought will pop into your awareness: like what's for dinner, what's the deadline for that piece of work, have I left the iron on etc, so we can witness that thoughts come and go all day long.
Allowing Space
Being clear minded allows space for our innate wisdom & intuition to be heard, (which sits underneath our louder intellect and knowledge) & is the voice that whispers gently when we’re quiet & clear enough to hear.
This quiet voice is our access to what's beyond (or before) our intellect and accumulated knowledge. It's not learnt, it's available real time as new and fresh thought.
When we stop and recognise the energy behind life that's responsible for our very existence, we can see that life is a miracle. This energy is what we have access to with a quiet mind. It's the unlimited potential of all existence.
Creative Potential
Since ANYTHING can happen next, the unknown can be viewed as exciting and full of potential.
You can only create anew from the unknown, with original thought.
Everything ever designed, invented or produced started as an original thought in someone's mind, so why not you, why not your original thought?
Since we seem to* have free-will, we appear to have the tool of choice at our disposal. In a world of infinite possibilities, our choices apparently direct our path and we can change the direction of life with one simple decision or thought. That's how life seems to works anyway, so being comfortable with the unknown, waiting to respond mindfully (rather than reacting unconsciously,) can be a fun, productive and more easeful way of being.
Embrace the often uncomfortable void of the unknown and be inspired by new possibilities.
"There are no limitations, unless you create them yourselves.
Anything is possible.
You are only limited by your own imagination."
Dolores Cannon
* Free-will will be the subject of a new blog post soon!