Discover Transformation:
Insights from A Change Coach
Life can be confusing and hard at times but a change in our understanding of life and how well we're designed can help anyone to be more content and happy.
As someone who worked in design for over 15 years, I’m fascinated by how things work, including us humans.
Losing my Mum made me more curious and prompted this journey for me. I love to share what I’ve uncovered about life and how we can live with overwhelm and anxiety when we really understand it.
Please do get in touch if you'd like to have a conversation.
The Paradox of Tranquility
The benefits of a quiet mind are often acclaimed, but what does this really mean, is it possible or sustainable, and how can we look at this slightly differently and perhaps more helpfully?
The Trust Experiment
Trusting our design and the natural flow of life is freeing and expansive.
The Simple Power of Noticing
Noticing the natural unfolding of life. We're the observer, not the doer.
Flowing with Life
We can experience harmony & balance when we flow without resistance to 'what is, now'.
Inside Out (bags & life)
We live our lives from the inside out,
but this can be hidden, like the sun behind the clouds.
Why 'Mastering' our Emotional Regulation is so Powerful
Awareness can help us respond mindfully, rather than to react in an instant.
How Balance is always the answer
How Balance is always the answer for a happy & content life.
Being OK with the Unknown
Being OK with the unknown & waiting
to respond mindfully is so beneficial.
Life is Now - Zoom out to zoom in
Learning to live in the present for more impact & happiness.